We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
1. Sighting: (adjective)
Meaning: Not blind (देखे)
Synonym: Glimpse, See, Spy, Notice
Antonym: Blind, Unalert, Unperceptive, Nearsighted
Example: Three days before these tempests commenced, they sighted the capitana, but never saw her again
Related Words:
Trick: The teams were fighting and the audience were sighting.
2. Announced: (verb)
Meaning: Make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention. (घोषणा)
Synonym: Call, Declare, Disclose, Issue
Antonym: Conceal, Hide, Hold, Keep
Example: The government announced a cut in taxes.
Related Words:
Announciing, Announcement
Trick: The manager was announcing the enhancing technique.
3. Controversy: (noun)
Meaning: Prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion (विवाद)
Synonym: Disagreement, Dispute, Argument, Debate
Antonym: Agreement, Concurrence, Peace, Compliment
Example: The decision aroused much controversy among the students.
Related Words:
Controversial, Controvert, Controversially
Trick: He never shows mercy in controversy.
4. Significant: (adjective)
Meaning: In a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention. (काफी)
Synonym: Notably, Remarkably, Importantly, Seriously
Antonym: Slightly, Doubtfully, Apparently, Superficially
Example: Another store sold the game for a significantly lower price.
Related Words:
Significance, Signify, Significantly
Trick: These soldiers are significant for this rampant people.
5. Urged: (verb)
Meaning: The action of urging someone to do something. (आग्रह)
Synonym: Appetite, Compulsion, Craving, Impulse
Antonym: Disgust, Dislike, Distaste, Hate
Example: I can never resist the urge to laugh.
Related Words:
Trick: Vo dog feeding ke liye urging kar raha h.
6. Accused: (noun)
Meaning: A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime. (आरोपी)
Synonym: Arraigned, Implicated, Incriminated, Indicted
Antonym: Acquitted, Clear, Discharged
Example: He was accused of stealing the money.
Related Words:
Accusing, Accusingly
Trick: The accused person has abused the law.
7. Attended: (verb)
Meaning: Be present at (an event, meeting, or function). (उपस्थित)
Synonym: Charged, Filled, Replete, Abounding
Antonym: Abandoned, Desecrated, Forgotten, Unnoticed.
Example: She attends a school in the city.
Related Words:
Attendance, Attendant, Attending, Attendantly
Trick: The students got suspended because they didn’t attended the class.
8. Residence: (noun)
Meaning: A person's home, especially a large and impressive one. (निवास स्थान)
Synonym: Apartment, Condo, Dwelling, Hall
Antonym: Business, Industry, Office
Example: He recently ended his residence at the apartment complex.
Related Words:
Resident, Residing, Resided, Residential
Trick: There is existence of any residence.
9. Thronging: (verb)
Meaning: Fill or be present in (a place or area). (भीड़ लगना)
Synonym: Bear, Bind, Block, Cease
Antonym: Allow, Clear, Continue, Free
Example: There were throngs of shoppers in the mall.
Related Words:
Trick: Thronging is caused because more people are engaging.
10. Detained: (verb)
Meaning: To force someone officially to stay in a place (नजरबंद)
Synonym: Circumscribed, Cramped, Imprisoned, Restrained
Antonym: Healthy, Well, Free, Liberated
Example: They were detained by the police for questioning.
Related Words:
Detention, Detainable, Detaining
Trick: The criminal is detained and cannot be retained.
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