Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 2nd Sep 2023

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Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 2nd Sep 2023

We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

1. Imposed: (verb)

Meaning: To make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority. (आरोपित करना)

Synonym:  Foist, Force, Thrust, Inflict.

Antonym:  Disorder, Displace, Forge, Overlook.

Example:  I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.

Related words:


Trick: The crime was supposed to be imposed on the criminal

2. Prohibitory: (adjective)

Meaning: The action of forbidding something, especially by law. (निषेध)

Synonym: Banning, Forbidding, Prohibiting, Barring

Antonym: Freedom, Incitement, Support, Wildness

Example: She has promised to implement prohibition in a phased manner.

Related Words:

Prohibited, Prohibiting, Prohibitive, Prohibition

Trick: The entrance of secretary is prohibitory.

3. Presiding: (verb)

Meaning: Be in the position of authority in a meeting or other gathering. (अध्यक्षता)

Synonym: Conduct, Run, Lead, Guide

Antonym: Follow, Obey, Aresbandon, Give Up

Example: He presided at the trial of the Maguire Seven.

Related Words:

Presider, Presided

Trick: He is trying to show his presiding.

4. Coordinated: (verb)

Meaning: The process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well (समन्वय)

Synonym:  Collaboration, Cooperation, Partnership, Collusion

Antonym:  Clumsiness, Incoordination, Ineptitude, Ineptness

Example:  Playing sports improves strength and coordination

Related Words:

Coordinating, Coordination

Trick: The group is coordinated and measured equally.

5. Preventive: (adjective)

Meaning: Keep (something) from happening. (रोकना)

Synonym: Avert, Avoid, Bar, Block

Antonym: Approve, Assist, Continue, Encourage

Example: You can't prevent my leaving.

Related Words:

Prevention, Prevented, Preventing, Preventively

Trick: They helped us to prevent from this bad event.

6. Administration: (noun)

Meaning: Relating to the running of a business, organization, etc. (प्रशासनिक)

Synonym: Bureaucratic, Departmental, Governmental, Legislative

Antonym: Nonmanagerial, Nonsupervisory, Non-Administrative, Subordinate

Example: Administrative work occupies half of my time.

Related Words:

Administered, Administering, Administratively

Trick: Kuch selective rules hi administrative policy m hote h.

7. Barricading: (verb)

Meaning: Block or defend with a barricade. (बाधाना)

Synonym: Blockade, Obstruct, Close Up, Bar

Antonym: Door, Entrance, Gate, Doorway

Example: The police barricaded the crime scene.

Related Words:

Barricade, Barricaded

Trick: The road was barricaded and escavated.

8. Disrupt: (verb)

Meaning: Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. (बाधित)

Synonym: Disturb, Rattle, Agitate, Bollix

Antonym: Appease, Soothe, Calm, Clear Up

Example: Protesters disrupted the conference.

Related Words:

Disrupted, Disruptive, Disruptively, Disruption

Trick: The rules are disrupted by the corrupted people.

9. Ensure: (verb)

Meaning: Make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. (सुनिश्चित)

Synonym: Secure, Guarantee, Warrant, Certify

Antonym: Hurt, Forget, Ignore, Invalidate.

Example: The company's sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.

Related Words:

Ensured, Ensuring

Trick: The doctor ensures to cure the disease.

10. Aspects: (noun)

Meaning: A particular part or feature of something. (पहलू)

Synonym: Feature, Facet, Particular, Ingredient

Antonym: Disrespect, Disesteem, Disconnect, Unfasten

Example: Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.

Related Words:


Trick: The suspects had many aspects.


Illustration of two people having a discussion

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