We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.
Restoration: (noun)
Meaning: The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. (मरम्मत)
Synonym: Repairing, Fixing, Mending, Refurbishment
Antonym: Destruction, Abolition, Neglect
Example: The building is undergoing restoration.
Related Words:
Restoring, Restored
Trick: The restoration process needs escalation.
Inspected: (verb)
Meaning: To look at something closely or in great detail (निरीक्षित)
Synonym: Examine, Scan, Scrutinize, Audit
Antonym: Ignore, Neglect, Overlook, Answer
Example: They inspected the paintwork for cracks and flaws
Related Words:
Inspection, Inspecting, Inspective
Trick: The team inspected and suspected the truth
Tribute: (noun)
Meaning: An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration. (श्रद्धांजलि)
Synonym: Accolade, Praise, Acclaim, Salute
Antonym: Criticism, Condemnation, Censure, Denunciation
Example: The concert was a tribute to the musician.
Trick: The tribute requires gratitude.
Drained: (verb)
Meaning: To become empty or dry as liquid flows away and disappears; to make something dry or empty in this way (सूखा)
Synonym: Depleted, Weary, Beat, Dragging
Antonym: Energized, Full, Lively, Fill
Example: The blood drained from his face
Related Words:
Trick: The drained area caused strained
Substantially: (adverb)
Meaning: Having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable. (मूल)
Synonym: Considerable, Substantial, Significant, Sizeable
Antonym: Insignificant, Inconsequential, Nominal, Negligible
Example: These changes are more symbolic than substantive
Related Words:
Substantial, Substantive
Trick: The substantial information is confidential.
Personnel: (noun)
Meaning: People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service. (कार्मिक)
Synonym: Cadre, Crew, Group, Organization
Antonym: Pull, Attract, Repulsion, Attraction
Example: They've reduced the number of personnel working on the project.
Trick: The personnel are optional.
Corporations: (noun)
Meaning: A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law. (निगमों)
Synonym: Company, Firm, Business, Concern
Antonym: Noncommercial, Unmarketable, Unsalable, Uncommercial
Example: The Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 had given elected corporations to the large towns
Related Words:
Trick: The big corporations are in action with market.
Crisis: (noun)
Meaning: A time of intense difficulty or danger. (संकट)
Synonym: Catastrophe, Calamity, Cataclysm, Emergency
Antonym: Agreement, Benefit, Blessing, Breakthrough
Example: She was dealing with a family crisis at the time.
Trick: The hypnosis can cause crisis.
Seeking: (verb)
Meaning: Attempt to find (something). (मांगना)
Synonym: Explore, Follow, Investigate, Pursue
Antonym: Ignore, Shun, Answer, Find
Example: The office is seeking a salesperson.
Related Words:
Trick: They are seeking for the streaking part.
Deployed: (verb)
Meaning: To put soldiers or weapons in a position where they are ready to fight. (तैनात करना)
Synonym: Position, Station, Post, Place.
Antonym: Concentrate, Conclude, Finish, Conceal.
Example: The troops were deployed for battle.
Related words:
Deployment, Deplorably, Deploying
Trick: Assembly me boys ko deploy kiya