Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 1st Sep 2023

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Enhance your vocabulary with vocab words - 1st Sep 2023

We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups, or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams, vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

Detention: (noun)

Meaning: Confinement or imprisonment, usually for a short time (कैद)

Synonym:  Custody, Imprisonment, Confinement, Incarceration

Antonym:  Assistance, Help, Freedom, Liberation

Example:  He was kept in detention by the police.

Related Words:

Detained, Detaining

Trick: The detention limits interaction

Lodged: (adjective)

Meaning: Flattened by wind or rain. (दर्ज कराई)

Synonym: Blocked, Clogged, Swollen, Wedged

Antonym: Impermanent, Unfixed, Clear, Empty

Example: The workers were lodged in temporary camps.

Related Words:


The fields are lodged and clogged by the wind.

Initiated: (verb)

Meaning: Cause (a process or action) to begin. (आरंभ करना)

Synonym: Begin, Commence, Inaugurate, Institute

Antonym: Block, Cease, Close, Complete

Example: Doctors have initiated a series of tests to determine the cause of the problem.

Related Words:

Initiate, Initiating

Trick: We are initiated for the recruited work.

Accommodate: (verb)

Meaning: A room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay. (आवास)

Synonym: Housing, Quarters, Rooms, Chambers

Antonym: Disagreement, Altercation, Animosity, Antagonism

Example: They weren't sure if they could provide food and accommodations for the whole group.

Related Words:

Accommodating, Accommodative, Accommodatingly, Accommodation

Trick: The luxury accommodations have various sections.

Elaborating: (verb)

Meaning: Develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail. (विस्तार से करना)

Synonym: Perfected, Painstaking, Involved

Antonym: Easy, Facile, Natural, Simple

Example: They made elaborate preparations for his visit

Related Words:

Elaboration, Elaborated, Elaborately

Trick: The ratings was increased with the elaborating process

Recommendation: (noun)

Meaning: a suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially one put forward by an authoritative body. (अनुशंसा)

Synonym: charge, endorsement, guidance, instruction

Antonym: disapproval, opposition, refusal, rejection

Example: I gave the trainee a glowing recommendation

Related Words:

Recommended, Recommending

Trick: The interrogated the recommended person

Monitoring: (verb)

Meaning: Observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time. (नजर रखी)

Synonym: Coordinated, Managed, Organized, Standardized

Antonym: Indefinite, Unfixed, Confused, Disarranged

Example: We need to monitor the transaction of smaller deals.

Related Words:

Monitored, Monitorial

Trick: Guards monitored the stored items.

Ensure: (verb)

Meaning: Make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. (सुनिश्चित)

Synonym: Secure, Guarantee, Warrant, Certify

Antonym: Hurt, Forget, Ignore, Invalidate.

Example: The company's sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.

Related Words:

Ensured, Ensuring

Trick: The doctor ensures to cure the disease.

Adequate: (adjective)

Meaning: Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. (पर्याप्त)

Synonym: Acceptable, Capable, Competent, Decent

Antonym: Inadequate, Inappropriate, Incapable, Incompetent

Example: The school lunch should be adequate to meet the nutritional needs of growing children.

Related Words:

Adequacy, Adequately

Trick: He separates the adequate amount of food.

Assured: (verb)

Meaning: Tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts. (आश्वासन)

Synonym: Encourage, Persuade, Reassure, Satisfy

Antonym: Discourage, Dissuade, Distress

Example: I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.

Related words:

Assurance, Assuring, Assuredly

Trick: He assure the cure the disease.

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