Words to enhance your vocabulary - 08 March 2023

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We don’t need to tell you the importance of speaking fluent English. Be it facing any interview, interacting among peer groups or gaining confidence in life in general, a person who is fluent in a global language will not feel out of place in any situation. Moreover, in many exams vocabulary plays a major role in solving a variety of questions. So why wait, begin your learning with Class24.

1. Derailed: (verb)

Meaning: Cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks accidentally. (पटरी से उतरना)

Synonym: Crash, Hinder, Thwart, Wreck

Antonym: Aid, Assist, Encourage, Forward

Example: The train was derailed by heavy snow.

Related Words:


Trick: The rail is derailed.

2. Despite: (preposition)

Meaning: Without being affected by (बावजूद)

Synonym: Notwithstanding, In Spite Of, Even With, Regardless Of

Antonym: Because Of, Accept, Admire

Example: He laughed despite himself.

Related Words:

Despited, Despiting, Despitefully

Trick: Despite saari problems ke, unhone hmari saari requisite puri kari.

3. Consensus: (noun)

Meaning: Agreement among a group of people. (सर्वसम्मति)

Synonym: Agreement, Harmony, Concord, Concurrence.   

Antonym: Disagreement, Denial, Dissension, Opposition.

Example: Everyone on the council seems to understand the need for consensus.

Related words:


Trick: This consensus is precious.

4. Delegations: (noun)

Meaning: A body of delegates or representatives (प्रतिनिधि मंडल)

Synonym: Appointment, Apportioning, Authorization, Charge

Antonym: Division, Lawlessness, Separation

Example: We sent a delegation of four people to visit their church.

Related Words:


Trick: The delegation process doesn’t believe in discrimination.

5. Abruptly: (adverb)

Meaning: Suddenly and unexpectedly. (एकाएक)

Synonym: Precipitous, Sheer, Steep

Antonym: Slowly, Gradually, Progressively, Steadily

Example: He stood up abruptly and went outside.

Related Words:

Abruptness, Abrupt

Trick: He ran out of school abruptly and frequently.

6. Substantial: (adjective)

Meaning: Having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable. (मूल)

Synonym: Considerable, Substantial, Significant, Sizeable

Antonym: Insignificant, Inconsequential, Nominal, Negligible

Example: These changes are more symbolic than substantive

Related Words:

Substantially, Substantive

Trick: The substantial information is confidential.

7. Negotiating: (verb)

Meaning: Obtain or bring about by discussion. (बातचीत)

Synonym: Mediation, Settlement, Arrangement, Deal

Antonym: Confuse, Contend, Disagree, Mix Up

Example: The customer wanted to negotiate over the price

Related Words:

Negotiation, Negotiable, Negotiate, Negotiated

Trick: He is negotiating for the laundering.

8. Consequences: (noun)

Meaning: A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. (प्रभाव)

Synonym: Result, Outcome, Sequel, Effect

Antonym: Cause, Origin, Source, Beginning,

Example: The money was of little consequence to Tony.

Related Words:


Trick: The sequences are changes due to bad consequences.

9. Accused: (noun)

Meaning: A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime. (आरोपी)

Synonym: Arraigned, Implicated, Incriminated, Indicted

Antonym: Acquitted, Clear, Discharged

Example: He was accused of stealing the money.

Related Words:

Accusing, Accusingly

Trick: The accused person has abused the law.

10. Campaign: (noun)

Meaning: A plan to do a number of things in order to achieve a special aim. (अभियान)

Synonym: Crusade, Drive, Push, Effort.

Antonym: Inaction, Prevent, Hinder, Inhibit.

Example:  I'd better get my campaign manager cracking.

Related words:

Campaigned, Campaigning.

Trick: This campaign held in different reign.

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