Betting and Gambling are State Subjects: Union Minister in Lok Sabha

Overview: Betting and gambling fall under state jurisdiction as per India's Constitution. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw highlights legislative powers under Article 246 and the Seventh Schedule.

Betting and Gambling are State Subjects: Union Minister in Lok Sabha

In his remarks to Lok Sabha Ashwini Vaishnaw stated betting and gambling operations require state government authority per Indian constitutional guidelines. The Seventh Schedule of the Constitution defines legislative power through three separate lists. The Minister stated that gaming sites reached 1,410 in number after blocking occurred due to received complaints. Article 246 delineates legislative powers among these lists, with the Union List covering national subjects, the State List covering regional subjects, and the Concurrent List serving as a shared legislative domain.

  • Lok Sabha Ashwini Vaishnaw stated betting and gambling operations require state government authority per Indian constitutional guidelines. 
  • The Minister stated that gaming sites reached 1,410 in number after blocking occurred due to received complaints

Seventh Schedule and Article 246

Three types of governing provisions exist within the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India;

  • Union List (List I): Exclusive legislative power of Parliament.

  • State List (List II): The State Legislative Bodies hold complete authority over the passages designated under List II.

  • Concurrent List (List III): Joint legislative power of both Parliament and State Legislatures.

Article 246 delineates legislative powers among these lists, with the Union List covering national subjects, the State List covering regional subjects, and the Concurrent List serving as a shared legislative domain.

The State List includes betting and gambling among its subjects

  • The State jurisdiction for betting and gambling activities emerges from Entry 34 of the State List.

  • The power of state governments remains exclusive so long as no constitutional provisions provide Parliament with intervention authority.

Conditions Under Which Parliament Can Legislate on State List Subjects:

  • The Rajya Sabha adopts a resolution which enables Parliamentary legislation according to Article 249.

  • During a national emergency under Article 250.

  • A State List subject can be handled by Parliament through legislation following resolution approval from at least two States.

  • The government can use State List legislation to execute international agreements and treaties.

Significance of the Seventh Schedule

  • This provision determines which areas of governance belong to which authorities to avoid confusion about official responsibilities.

  • This provision stops governments from attaining too much power through centralization.

  • Through the Concurrent List states maintain their freedom while maintaining connection to the center under Federalism.

  • Post-independence governance receives a prepared organizational approach that creates unity between states through this structure.

Judicial Doctrines Applied to Legislative Powers

  • Doctrine of Implied Powers: Implied powers of the legislative branch apply to regions which the current provisions logically suggest.

  • Doctrine of Pith and Substance: Under the doctrine of Pith and Substance the main components of a law which a legislature possesses authority to create permits incidental encroachment upon other jurisdictions.

  • Doctrine of Colourable Legislation: Constitutional limitations remain protected through the doctrine which detects masking behavior by legislative bodies when they try to promote laws through deceptive names.

Need to visit the Seventh Schedule

  • The development of governance requires permanent attention to legislative lists through regular assessment of their contents.

  • The 15th Finance Commission has conducted an assessment to fortify fiscal federalism systems in the country.

  • The states of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal together with Odisha have presented legislative autonomy requests to their federal authorities.

  • Previous State governance reform recommendations starting with the Rajamannar Committee (1969) and ending with Anandpur Sahib Resolution (1973) work toward enhancing the power of State governments.


The Constitution of India includes the Seventh Schedule which divides Legislative power distribution between Union and State governments. States hold exclusive jurisdiction over betting and gambling activities which maintains the principle of federal government in India. The government maintains intervention options but it needs to protect State autonomy due to its importance in upholding constitutional equilibrium among different agencies.

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