First-Ever Export of Anthurium Flowers from Mizoram to Singapore

Overview: India achieved a historic milestone with the first-ever export of Anthurium flowers from Mizoram to Singapore, showcasing the floriculture potential of the North Eastern Region (NER). This export, supported by APEDA and the Department of Horticulture, Mizoram, highlights the region's growing capabilities in agricultural trade.

First-Ever Export of Anthurium Flowers from Mizoram to Singapore

The floriculture sector of India achieved a historic achievement by making the inaugural export of Anthurium flowers from Mizoram to Singapore. This export project initiated by APEDA together with the Department of Horticulture and Government of Mizoram demonstrates the export capabilities of the North Eastern Region (NER). This 1,024 flower export demonstrates Mizoram's floriculture success and creates new economic advantages that specifically benefit female farmers who run businesses.


  • The floriculture sector of India achieved a historic achievement by making the inaugural export of Anthurium flowers from Mizoram to Singapore. 

  • This export project initiated by APEDA together with the Department of Horticulture and Government of Mizoram demonstrates the export capabilities of the North Eastern Region (NER)

Export Details:

  • Anurthium flower exports from Mizoram reached Singapore for the very first time.

  • The export operation received support from the Department of Horticulture, Government of Mizoram together with APEDA

Significance of Anthurium Cultivation in Mizoram:

  • Acts as a key economic driver, particularly benefiting women entrepreneurs.

  • The Anthurium Festival's annual implementation organizes campaigns to promote tourism and spread understanding about its ornamental features throughout Mizoram.

Anthurium Plant Details:

  • Native Region: Americas, from northern Mexico to northern Argentina and parts of the Caribbean.

  • The plant cultivation in India spreads throughout Mizoram and additional Northern Eastern states.

  • The growth habit consists of herbaceous plants which develop either as epiphytes or terrestrially.

  • Inflorescence: Consists of a spadix and colorful spathe (red, pink, orange, and other colors).

  • The berries of this species develop seeds after reproduction.

  • Consumers must be aware of its toxic nature because of calcium oxalate crystals which also causes skin and eye irritation through the plant sap.

Background Event:

  • An export victory will take place after the International Conclave cum Buyer-Seller Meet (IBSM) event occurs in Aizawl on December 6, 2024.

  • The trade event included 9 Singaporean, United Arab Emirate and Nepalese as well as Jordanian, Omani, Azerbaijani, Russian, Ethiopian and 24 domestic exporter participants.

  • APEDA worked to create market connections for the floriculture sector of Mizoram.

India’s Floriculture Export Potential:

  • The floriculture exports of India reached USD 86.62 million throughout FY 2023-24.

  • The horticultural and floricultural export markets hold substantial potential in the NER region.

APEDA’s Role:

  • APEDA serves as a statutory body of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry working to globally promote Indian agricultural food exports as well as processed food products through its operations.


Anthurium flower exports from Mizoram to Singapore represent a major milestone that advances both Indian floriculture operations and the North Eastern Region’s expansion potential. APEDA’s initiative successfully enhances both agricultural export potential for India while building economic growth opportunities for local farmers alongside women entrepreneurs. The continued backing of the floriculture export market alongside extension in market regions will transform the North Eastern Region into a primary floriculture export center that helps grow India's international trade reach.

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