India's rural connectivity revolution has significantly enhanced access to digital services while helping the rural folks and propelling socio-economic change. With the common platform like GeM self-help groups in remote areas are getting access to wider markets, increasing their income and building confidence. The Indian government has focused on expanding the usage of mobiles and internet with more than 6, 22,276 villages having Mobile Connectivity and more than 6, 14,478 villages having 4G+.
Mobile connectivity has been provided to 1136 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) habitations through the PM JANMAN Mission. In addition, the project of BharatNet has provided Internet connection to more than 2.14 lakh gram panchayats and affordable High-speed bandwidth. DBN offers the resources required for mobile towers put in place to offer communications to both neglected areas and those that are privileged. Under PM-WANI, about 247,076 public WI-Fi hotspots have been made, thus making the internet cheaper. Such endeavors are backed by systems such as the Sanchar Saathi portal and the TRAI which acts as the watchdog against telemarketing irritations for telecom users. In balance, such as increasing access and uptake for the digitally disconnected in general and benefitting rural India in particular by generating fresh chances of equitable development in the process.
The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) which is an online B2B portal is revolutionizing rural entrepreneurship by helping self-help groups gain markets and increase earnings.
The operational total telecom villages are 6,22,804 out of which the villages covered under 4G are 6,14,564.
PM JANMAN Mission targets to board the mobile connectivity to the PVTG habitations, out of which 1136 PVTG areas have been covered.
BharatNet has today provisioned more than 2,14,000 gram panchayats and aims to deliver high-speed Broadband services to sadseek the rural population
Incorporated to call for fair distribution of communication services, DBN has financed the setting up of 8,730 mobile towers across one lakh and ninety-nine thousand villages.
Ends to set up a population of Wi-Fi accessibility zones; 247,076 zones have been set up today to provide affordable internet.
There are programs that can trace unknown mobile connections such as the Sanchar Saathi portal and telemarketing is managed through TRAI that does this through AI detection and penalties.
These endeavours are helping in reducing the digital divide, ensuring sustainable development for all part of the country and largely ensuring sustainable economy in villages turning villages into centres of economic activities.
With the news that Jio has 160 million subscribers in rural India more people and families are realizing that the divide between urban and rural India has dissolved. In different schemes, such as BharatNet, PM-WANI, and the extent of mobile and broadband services, the government is providing rural demographics with digital service infrastructure. They are facilitating improved income revenue generation, advancing educational, health, and social servitude, as well as promoting integrated development. In this paper, Real life success stories of Mrs. Reena Kirar well elucidate the positive effects of digital empowering in enhancing livelihood. In focusing on connectivity and digital networks, India continues its journey to a more connected society empowered by technology for everyone who wants it for that purpose.
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