NGT Directs Uttar Pradesh to Report Progress on Dhanauri Wetland Protection in Four Weeks

Overview: The NGT has directed Uttar Pradesh to report on the Dhanauri Wetland protection within four weeks. This wetland, crucial for bird conservation, is being considered for Ramsar site status.

NGT Directs Uttar Pradesh to Report Progress on Dhanauri Wetland Protection in Four Weeks

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) instructed Uttar Pradesh authorities to report their progress in four weeks regarding the delayed announcement of wetland protection for Dhanauri Wetland in the Dankaur district.  Despite already planning to declare the area a wetland the UP forest department requested three months for the required notification. International experts recognize the ecological value of this wetland whose bird protection services are especially important during migration periods. International authorities want to add the wetland's designation as a Ramsar site because of its global importance.

Dhanauri Wetland 

Ecological Importance:

  • More than 120 Sarus cranes live at Dhanauri Wetland, the state's bird, and it shelters 23 bird species facing extinction risks.
  • This wetland assists over 217 bird species with its 150 Sarus cranes nesting there and draws many bird enthusiasts.
  • BirdLife International has recognized Dhanauri as an important bird area and the Bombay Natural History Society includes the site in their data.

Migratory Seasons and Bird Populations:

  • Each winter between November and March thousands of waterfowl birds pause in Dhanauri Wetland during their seasonal migration.
  • Wetlands at Dhanauri receive thousands of migratory birds every year showing how vital this site is for bird populations to survive.

Ramsar Site Criteria Fulfilled:

  • Dhanauri Wetland qualifies for Ramsar site designation based on two key criteria:
  • Sarus crane populations from this ecological region make up over 1% of the world's total species population.
  • The wetland provides habitat for more than 20,000 waterfowl plus many other animals and helps meet one of the Ramsar criteria that evaluates international importance.

Why Dhanauri is in the News:

  • Organizations are pushing to have Dhanauri Wetland become an official Ramsar site because this protected status brings international support through recognition and protection.
  • The wetland protects Sarus cranes' vulnerable population so keeping it safe is necessary for these birds to continue thriving.

Ramsar Convention and Designation:

  • The Ramsar Convention launched by UNESCO in 1971 seeks to protect and maintain world-important wetland areas.
  • The Ramsar network identifies wetlands of ecological importance because they protect many species at risk.
  • Wetlands hold Ramsar designation when they keep large bird populations while protecting native species and serving as essential habitats.

Ramsar Site Designation Criteria:

To be designated as a Ramsar site, a wetland must meet several criteria, including:

  • These wetlands stand alone as one-of-a-kind natural environments.
  • Organizations protect rare animal species and important natural communities that are declining in number.
  • The area needs to support its natural local species community in this geographical region.
  • Wetlands offer protection spaces to survive when external threats appear.
  • Dharnaui now serves as an essential waterbird habitat through consistent usage by either more than 20,000 birds or sustained support to one percent of any waterbird species population.
  • These areas provide significant living space for non-bird species that need wetland habitats.

Future Outlook for Dhanauri Wetland:

  • Dhanauri wetland to become a Ramsar site because it serves as significant habitat for Sarus cranes and migrating waterfowl.
  • Ramsar status brings worldwide protection strategies and funding to preserve Dhanauri Wetland's ecosystem values.


India’s ecological heritage includes Dhanauri Wetland which safeguards wildlife diversity while shielding its bird conservation roles. Being added to the Ramsar site network will enable worldwide support for protecting these important natural habitats. Conservation teams must maintain their work to save Sarus cranes despite environmental problems that threaten this species' survival.

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