Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently highlighted Digantara's successful completion of Mission SCOT (Space Camera for Object Tracking). The space monitoring system named SCOT, created by Digantara, looks for small satellite objects orbiting our planet with strong accuracy. In a sun-synchronous orbit, SCOT finds and tracks small objects of 5 cm in height in LEO better than current systems and visits them more frequently. SCOT completes missing pieces in space system coverages, making space safer while helping maintain it for long. It protects national defense in space and worldwide space operations, helping Digantara build its hybrid space surveillance system that stays watch at all times.
SCOT (Space Camera for Object Tracking) is Digantara's very first mission to monitor objects in space. SCOT stands apart as the first commercial satellite worldwide dedicated to observing Space Objects in their environment. SCOT, SpaceX’s Transporter-12 mission satellite, solves important tracking problems in current systems that can't keep up with smaller RSOs changing speed frequently.
Sun-Synchronous Orbit: SCOT will make a sun-synchronous orbit around Earth, tracking smaller objects in Low Earth Orbit better than typical space observation systems.
Enhanced Tracking Precision: The system tracks objects 5 cm in size while scanning space regions that other tracking methods often find difficult to monitor.
Overcoming Limitations: Unlike normal tracking tools, which work better in some places and environments than others, SCOT always does a dependable job keeping sight of space objects.
SCOT is needed to keep space flights and defense systems running securely and safely, thanks to its ability to track objects in better detail.
Two companies, Aditya Birla Ventures, and SIDBI, are investing in SCOT to make sure space operations can keep running for a long time and have clear advantages.
Digantara helps run Space Situational Awareness, using space-based tools to track and measure objects moving through space in all types of orbit paths. Their entire software system shows space object alerts in real-time, guiding teams to make smarter space-supported decisions to keep things operating safely and long-lasting.
The way SCOT surveillance works and its military meaning changes how space traffic control is handled. The first space-based object detecting and tracking program is a key step forward. Other technologies can grow from this success, helping people explore space safely and without damage.