Pinaka MLRS is a sufficient proof of qualitatively developing Indian defense complex and technological sovereignty. Greeting the advancement in the Pinaka MK-I used for multi barrel rocket system developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation DRDO, the new weapon system is designed for long range artillery strikes, and within 44 seconds can unleash twelve rockets at one go. This high rate, along with its great mobility, makes it an important part of all modern military tactics. The system is mounted directly to 8×8 or 6×6 trucks to facilitate easy deployment over varied terrains.
The Pinaka MLRS has gone through basic three generations basically. The Pinaka Mk-I was a first generation system with 40 km range, and offered good tactical firepower. They were followed by the Pinaka Mk-II and the Enhanced models which has an extended range of 60 to 75 Km. Such enhancements are suggestive of India’s unfaltering efforts to strengthen and pitch new possibilities in the field that addresses the new wars dynamically.
The export success of the system proves that it is international in appeal. India’s defense exports have hit a high with Armenia purchasing Pinaka systems. This also adds to the India’s competitiveness as a reliable exporter of the arms as well as increasing confidence in its homemade defence equipment. Negotiations are now under way with many other countries, including France, which points to the system’s increasing global appeal.
Another massive feature of the Pinaka is the flexibility of the weapon system. It is suitable in almost any operational context, be it maximum; in theatres ranging from counter-terrorism, border protection and set-piece warfare. That is why the weapon is so useful for the armed forces – it can provide accurate and intensive fire.
The Pinaka system is one of the recent examples of growth in indigenization in India under the ‘Make in India’ campaign’ the country for cutting down on imports for defense equipment and enhancing on indigenization. We need to understand that manufacturing and exporting of such missiles, that is Pinaka also increases economic benefits along with the strategic ties of india on an international level.
Exam Relevance: Optimum utilisation of the limit set by the notification: A case of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY & ECONOMIC MOD Applicable to, Issues related to Pinaka and other home-developed defense systems for export. This may come in essay and interview portions of competitive examinations as trivia regarding India’s developments in defense and export as well as self-reliant policies.