Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025: Category & District-Wise Breakdown

Explore the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 with a detailed breakdown of total posts, category-wise distribution, and district-wise availability. Stay updated on official notifications and secure your chance to join the Rajasthan Prison Department!

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 represents an open recruitment process through the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) to fill positions as Jail Warders (Prahari) throughout the Rajasthan Prison Department Job with 803 vacancies exist for recruitment through a distribution that encompasses the General, OBC, SC, ST, and EWS categories. The recruitment process respects government-set policies that guarantee equal chances for candidates who belong to all groups. Each candidate needs to refer to the official notification for detailed vacancy information by category as well as exam qualification requirements.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025: Candidates aiming to participate in the RSMSSB Jail Prahari Exam 2025 must study the vacancy distribution to see how many positions exist in each category they belong to. The official vacancies will show final modifications based on the RSMSSB notification release. The written examination together with the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) determines qualified candidates who will secure a position. This article presents an organized classification of Rajasthan Jail Warden 2025 position openings by categories.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari vacancy 2025 Overview

Rajasthan Jail Warden Vacancy 2025 represents an RSMSSB recruitment drive to fill 803 positions for Jail Warder (Prahari) roles within the Rajasthan Prison Department. The governmental policies of reservation apply to distribute these vacancies among General, OBC, SC, ST, and EWS categories. Applicants need to check the official notification for vacancy counts across different categories before determining their eligibility based on the stated criteria. The recruitment process involves a written test and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) as well as document verification stages. The following section presents information about the forthcoming Rajasthan Jail Warden Vacancy 2025.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 Key Details:

Category Non-Scheduled Area Vacancies Scheduled Area Vacancies Total Vacancies
General (Non-Scheduled Area) 759 - 759
Scheduled Area - 44 44
Total 759 44 803

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Category-Wise Vacancies 2025 Breakdown

RSMSSB has released 803 jobs through the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 for roles as Jail Warder (Prahari) within the Rajasthan Prison Department. The post vacancies exist between the Non-Scheduled Area (759 posts) and the Scheduled Area (44 posts) for recruitment that follows government reservation guidelines. These are the specific breakdowns of the Vacant positions according to Gender groups and Reservations limits.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 Category-Wise Distribution:

Category Non-Scheduled Area (Male) Non-Scheduled Area (Female) Scheduled Area (Male) Scheduled Area (Female) Total Vacancies
General (UR) 252 71 18 0 341
EWS (Economically Weaker Section) 28 8 0 0 36
OBC (Other Backward Classes) 130 25 0 0 155
MBC (Most Backward Classes) 12 3 0 0 15
SC (Scheduled Caste) 66 16 18 2 102
ST (Scheduled Tribe) 94 20 25 0 139
SA (Scheduled Area) 0 0 0 0 0
Total 582 143 61 2 803

 District-Wise Jail Prahari Vacancies 2025 Breakdown

RSMSSB announced the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Warden 2025 with 803 openings for Jail Warder (Prahari) positions within the Rajasthan Prison Department. The recruitment vacancy is separated into two groups for Non-Scheduled Areas (759 positions) and Scheduled Areas (44 positions). The following table demonstrates the allocation of vacancies by district between both categories.

Non-Scheduled Area Jail Prahari Vacancies:

District Total Vacancies
Jaipur 199
Jodhpur 76
Bikaner 88
Udaipur 105
Kota 129
Ajmer 55
Bharatpur 63
Total (Non-Scheduled Area) 759

Scheduled Area Jail Prahari Vacancies:

District Total Vacancies
Scheduled Area (TSP Region) 44
Total (Scheduled Area) 44

NOTE: Candidates need to choose their desired district during their application submission process. The recruitment process implements government-set reservation policies therefore it distributes roles equally between General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS and MBC identifier categories.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 Total Vacancies

RSMSSB introduced the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 which offers 803 Jail Warder (Prahari) positions within the Rajasthan Prison Department. The recruitment opportunities exist for both Non-Scheduled Areas with 759 openings and Scheduled Areas with 44 openings according to government reservation guidelines. The recruitment process distributes blocked vacancies based on specific categories between General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS, and MBC applicant groups. Below is the detailed breakdown.

Total Jail Prahari Posts in Rajasthan Breakdown:

Category Non-Scheduled Area (759 Posts) Scheduled Area (44 Posts) Total Vacancies
General (UR) 323 18 341
EWS (Economically Weaker Section) 36 0 36
OBC (Other Backward Classes) 155 0 155
MBC (Most Backward Classes) 15 0 15
SC (Scheduled Caste) 84 18 102
ST (Scheduled Tribe) 146 8 154
Total 759 44 803

NOTE: Candidates should check both area-specific and category-specific vacancy numbers before making applications. RSMSSB follows written exams and Physical Efficiency Tests along with document verification following their selection criteria. 

Important Points for Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025

An opportunity for 803 Jail Warder (Prahari) positions exists in the Rajasthan Prison Department through the RSMSSB the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025 announcement. There are two types of vacancies based on areas with the Non-Scheduled Areas (759 posts) and the Scheduled Areas (44 posts). The distribution according to categories follows official reservation policies that include General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS and MBC candidates. The recruitment procedure combines written tests and Public Efficiency Tests (PET) and document verification steps. Job seekers need to check eligibility requirements while picking their target district along with presenting proper category certification (when mandatory). Check updates at the RSMSSB official website platform.


The RSMSSB Jail Prahari Vacancy 2025, announced by RSMSSB, includes 803 vacancies, with 759 posts in Non-Scheduled Areas and 44 posts in Scheduled Areas.

The vacancies are allocated as per government reservation policies, covering General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS, and MBC categories. Candidates should check the official notification for details.

The Non-Scheduled Areas have 759 vacancies, while Scheduled Areas (TSP Region) have 44 vacancies, as per Rajasthan government guidelines.

Yes, vacancies are distributed across major districts like Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, and Bharatpur, along with Scheduled Area vacancies (TSP region).

Yes, but preference is given to Rajasthan domicile candidates, and reservation benefits apply only to those with a valid domicile certificate.


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