RRB Group D Cut Off 2025: Region-Wise Expected & Previous Year Trends

RRB Group D Cut Off 2025 will be determined based on vacancies, exam difficulty, and normalization. The expected cut off for the General category is 55-60 marks. Check region-wise previous year cut off trends and factors affecting the selection process to set your preparation goals.

The RRB Group D exam administered by the Railway Recruitment Board stands as a significant assessment for individuals who seek government employment in Indian Railways. The RRB implement this exam throughout multiple regions to fill vacancies for Track Maintainer, Helper and Assistant roles at Level-1 in railway departments. The RRB Group D 2025 examination timeline indicates its upcoming scheduling for the second half of the year starting from March or April 2025. Cut-off marks represent a fundamental aspect of recruitment which establishes the lowest scoring threshold required for progressing toward next stages. The cutoff scores are determined individually for each RRB region together with different categories because of varying competition and test difficulty levels.

RRB GROUP D Cut off 2025

The RRB Group D cut off 2025 marks are determined by three main elements consisting of vacancy counts and testing difficulty and score normalization strategies between different test shifts. More than 1.1 crore applicants competed against 1,03,769 vacant positions across various regions in the 2022 RRB Group D exam and the resulting cut off marks exhibited marked differences. The General category cut off stood at 96.77 (normalized score 64.11) in Mumbai but at 94.06 (normalized score 60.95) in Chennai. This article attempts to analyze past trends and vacancy numbers for predicting the potential cut off values to create suitable preparation goals. The analysis of this article delves into past RRB Group D cut off patterns alongside predictions for 2025 score selection and factors contributing to scoring patterns.

RRB Group D Cut Off 2025: Overview

The RRB Group D cut off 2025 marks function as minimum passing criteria that enable candidates to move forward in the selection steps. The qualifying scores fluctuate according to multiple variables including test difficulty and applicant numbers with added considerations for category-specific reservations. A summary of general category-wise cut off trends is presented based on past selection results;

Important Points About RRB Group D Cut Off
Aspect Details
Category & Region-Based Cut Off Railway Group D cut offs vary across different RRB regions and categories (UR, OBC, SC, ST, EWS).
Normalization Process Since the exam is conducted in multiple shifts, normalized scores are used for fairness.
Previous Year Trends In RRB Group D 2022, the highest cut off was 96.77% (Mumbai Region, General category), while some categories had cut offs around 77%.
Influencing Factors Railway Group D cut off depends on vacancies, exam difficulty, and candidate performance.
Expected Cut Off (2025) Predicted 65-75 marks for General, with variations for other categories.
Selection Process Candidates clearing the cut off move to PET, Document Verification, and Medical Examination.
Checking Cut Off Official Railway Group D cut off marks are released on RRB regional websites after the exam results.

RRB Group D Expected Cut Off 2025: Considering Past Year Trends

The RRB Group D 2025 examination cut off marks remain unavailable according to official sources. The expected cut off ranges can be estimated through the analysis of previous year's trends. These projections need to be understood as potential rather than official cut offs that could differ.

Category Railway Expected Cut Off 2025 (Out of 100)
General (UR) 55-60
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 48-52
Scheduled Caste (SC) 45-48
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 42-45
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 47-50

RRB Group D Cut off 2025: Normalization System Explained

The RRB Group D Normalization Process establishes a system to make scores fair by accounting for different exam shift difficulties. The evaluation combines actual test scores with average grades from each session and deviation data to deliver a balanced score result. Through this procedure institutions eliminate biases in scoring that may develop due to varying test difficulty levels across different shift periods.

Example of RRB Group D Normalization Process
Candidate Shift Appeared Raw Score (Actual Marks) Shift Average Score Shift Difficulty Level Standard Deviation Normalized Score (Final Marks)
Candidate A Shift 1 60 58 Moderate 12 62
Candidate B Shift 2 58 52 Difficult 10 66
Candidate C Shift 3 65 66 Easy 14 63
Candidate D Shift 4 55 48 Very Difficult 11 69

The RRB Group D normalization process implements a system that adjusts candidate scores according to the comparative level of difficulty in their particular exam shift. The normalization process awarded Candidate B from Shift 2 (Difficult) and Candidate D from Shift 4 (Very Difficult) scores of 66 and 69 based on their challenging test conditions even though they scored lower at 58 and 55 in their raw scores. The test adjustments were made to both shifts because their average scores were beneath 52 and 48 while their standard deviation indicated challenging examination content. Candidate C from Shift 3 (Easy) received a normalized score of 63 although they achieved the highest raw score (65) because their test section had an overall average score of 66 that made the assessment easier. The test for Candidate A in Shift 1 who rated the challenge level as moderate brought about a slight rise in their normalized test score from 60 to 62. The evaluation reveals how scoring normalization techniques provide fair candidate ranking since they eliminate the impact of exam shift difficulty on overall scores.

How to Check RRB Group D Cutoff?

The RRB Group D cut off marks become accessible through regional RRB websites at the time the results are declared. The cut off marks appear through PDF documents which organize their information by region and category and post specifications. Candidates will find the official cut off at their corresponding regional RRB websites through the following steps after result announcement;

  • Visit the official website of RRB.
  • On the home page, find RRB Group D 2025 result notification.
  • After clicking the link, a new page will open on your screen.
  • There you can see the roll number and category wise cut off marks of the candidates selected for document verification.
  • Examine the cut off points and download the PDF for future reference.

Previous Year’s RRB Group D Cutoff

Your CBT scores will be used to determine the final merit list. Therefore, you should try to score maximum marks keeping the negative marking in mind. Also, based on the merit of the candidates in CBT, candidates will be called for the next stage as per the total vacancy of posts notified for RRB. Check RRB Group D 2022 zone-wise cut off below.

RRB Group D cut off 2022 for All Regions

On December 24, 2022, the RRB Group D Cut Off 2022, as well as the RRB Group D Result 2022, were released on regional websites. Region wise RRB Group D cut off is given below. Let's take a look at the category-wise RRB Group D cut off 2022 for all regions.

RRB Group D Cutoff 2022: Ahmedabad
Open 97.09 88.72 86.92 94.86 89.56
Normalized Marks 62.67 50.81 49.18 58.43 51.66
Ex-SM 75.34 78.60 82.19 59.69 89.39
Normalized Marks 40.35 42.49 45.21 30.34 51.48

RRB Group D Ajmer Cutoff 2022
Open 97.45229 91.36657 91.39524 95.16873 88.14747
Normalized Marks 68.32994 54.02575 54.08034 61.66614 48.76577
Ex-SM 81.78425 71.21144 84.40016 70.80540 88.59409
Normalized Marks 40.11113 30.43849 43.33901 30.02906 49.47681

RRB Group D Cutoff 2022: Allahabad
Open 98.00447 93.41966 83.33706 96.30549 91.76955
Normalized Marks 66.48579 52.35827 35.55405 59.93657 48.83271
Ex-SM 86.61691 79.70736 - 78.45995 -
Normalized Marks 40.15225 31.57598 - 31.57598 -
RRB Group D Bangalore Cutoff 2022
Open 96.88 89.05 85.77 94.05 86.99
Normalized Marks 66.32 52.51 48.67 60.26 50.08
Ex-SM 80.38 69.36 - 63.76 -
Normalized Marks 43.09 33.99 - 30.30 -
RRB Group D Cutoff 2022 for Bhopal
Open 96.64 87.05 83.62 93.44 79.24
Normalized Marks 65.87 49.33 44.84 58.53 40
Ex-SM 80.23 68.38 69.37 69.02 -
Normalized Marks 41 30.40 31.16 30.84 -
RRB Group D Bhubaneswar Cutoff 2022
Open 96.96366 88.26087 84.33973 93.57418 88.0170
Normalized Marks 66.49810 49.13464 44.13481 58.36622 48.77533
Ex-SM 80.74159 72.25788 74.61424 70.87433 -
Normalized Marks 40.18912 31.78484 33.71859 30.63973 -
RRB Group D Cutoff 2022 for Chennai
Open 94.06 86.46 81.40 90.84 77.91
Normalized Marks 60.95 49.89 43.58 55.65 40
Ex-SM 78.05 68.56 - 66.31 -
Normalized Marks 40.12 32.32 - 30.64 -
RRB Group D Guwahati Cutoff 2022
Open 96.88 91.08 83.32 92.77 85.94
Normalized Marks 60.31 47.47 36.90 50.23 40.03
Ex-SM 88.56 84.22 86.64 86.81 -
Normalized Marks 43.37 37.96 40.96 41.19 -
RRB Group D Cutoff 2022 for Kolkata
Open 96.62203 90.67148 83.76549 94.88499 85.45969
Normalized Marks 69.60526 58.42711 48.28362 65.89208 50.46005
Ex-SM 75.89393 64.71957 66.30072 63.64558 -
Normalized Marks 40.00777 30.85707 31.98892 30.01119 -
RRB Group D Cutoff 2022 for Mumbai
Open 96.76876 91.14303 85.68447 94.56106 81.77030
Normalized Marks 64.10801 51.89392 44.35537 58.15213 40.00000
Ex-SM 82.84641 70.65375 - 70.58607 -
Normalized Marks 41.24492 30.42212 - 30.42212 -
RRB Group D Patna Cutoff 2022
Open 97.95 90.31 85.66 96.47 91.64
Normalized Marks 66.20 50.12 43.35 61.88 52.45
Ex-SM 82.92 78.29 - 73.58 90.09
Normalized Marks 40.08 34.83 - 30.05 49.73
RRB Group D Ranchi Cutoff 2022
Open 96.80 87.38 81.15 93.76 87.12
Normalized Marks 70.64 54.29 46.95 64.64 53.97
Ex-SM 74.81 64.77 - 64.54 92.74
Normalized Marks 40.26 31.30 - 30.99 62.93

Factors Influencing RRB Group D Cut Off

Multiple factors determine the RRB Group D cut off scores which influence both competitive levels and candidate selection criteria. The annual change in factors determines which categories and regions will get minimum qualifying scores. The following details the main components which shape the cut off marks;

  1. Number of Vacancies: The RRB Group D cut off score will decrease when the number of available vacancies increases yet it will rise when the vacancies decrease.
  2. Exam Difficulty Level: The level of examination difficulty either reduces or raises the minimum requirement for admission.
  3. Candidate Performance: Candidates achieving higher exam scores cause cut off marks to rise.
  4. Normalization Process: The exam scores undergo normalization procedures to handle differences across various test sessions.
  5. Reservation Policies: The implementation of category-wise reservations including SC, ST, OBC and EWS results in different cut off levels.
  6. Total Applicants: The number of applicants directly affects competition which results in elevated admission requirements.


The cut off score is determined by various factors, including the total number of exam candidates, the number of available vacancies, the overall exam difficulty, candidate performance, and the reservation policies set by the Government of India.

The RRB Group D cut off will be announced soon, typically alongside the release of the results.

Candidates can view the cut off marks on the official RRB website once they are released.

Yes, the expected cut off is calculated by experts based on previous year's trends and the exam's difficulty level.

Percentile-based normalization is used to calculate the RRB Group D cut off. Marks are scaled from 100 to 0 for each exam shift. The percentile score shows the percentage of candidates scoring at or below that level. These scores are then normalized by converting raw marks to determine the cut off.

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