RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria 2025, Age Limit, Education Qualification

The RRB Group D 2025 recruitment offers 32,438 vacancies across multiple roles. Before applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, including age, education, and physical standards. Review all details on the age limit, education qualifications, and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) to ensure you qualify for the exam.

The RRB Group D 2025 recruitment will fill up 32,438 pendings vacancies in the railway to be held in the posts of Track Maintainers, Pointsmen and the assistants. It is important to check what are the eligibility criteria before applying. The minimum eligibility of the candidates is explained as they must fall in the age group 18 to 36 years and must have passed 10th class from a recognized board. Before him, certain physical standards are also required most particularly for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). So, do check the official notification thoroughly to understand full details on age, education and physical fitness requirements to get confirmed if you are eligible.

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria 2025

The RRB Group D 2025 eligibility criteria are divided into categories of age limit, educational qualification, and physical standard. The candidates should be aged between 18 and 36 years of age, and have completed Class 10th or equivalent. Similarly the selection procedure involves Physical Efficiency Test (PET) wherein candidates are made to undergo RRB Group D physical test. Before applying, make sure you meet these qualifiers to avoid any problems during selection. The candidates appearing for RRB Group D CBT Exam need to note the following considerations under Railway Group D recruitment criteria 2025;

  1. The Railway Group D age limit is 18 to 36 years (follow this article below to know the group d age relaxations 2025. 
  2. The candidates needs to fill Railway Group D Application Form 2025 before last date to apply that is 22nd February 2025.
  3. Candidates must already have the Educational/Technical qualifications prescribed in the CEN from recognized Institute/University.
  4. Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates are those whose annual family income is less than Rs. 50,000 and are eligible for concessional fee.

RRB Group D Age Limit 2025

RRB Group D eligibility criteria includes the important factor of RRB Group D age limit. Potential candidates must fulfill this age requirement to be eligible for the exam. As per RRB Group D notification, applicants have to fall within a specified age limit set by RRB. The details of age limit prescribed for RRB Group D exam are given below:

RRB Group D Age Limit for Normal Course 

The Railway age limit for normal course refers to general age limit that is kept by the railway groups in most of their department exams. The following table provide brief overview about Group d 2025 age limit; 


Age Limit (as on 1st January 2025)

Lower Age Limit 18 years
Upper Age Limit 33 Years
RRB Group D Age Limit for CEN (Actual Age Limit for Group D Exams)

The RRB age limit for CEN will be an important considerations for aspirants seeking for employment in Railway recruitment 2025 cycle. The railway boards have decided to provide relief of 3 years as most candidates have missed opportunity due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The following table provide brief overview about railway group D age limit criteria;


Age Limit (as on 1st January 2025)

Lower Age Limit 18 years
Upper Age Limit 36 Years

RRB Group D Age Relaxation 2025

Read below to get information about the age limit and age relaxation for the RRB Group D 2025 exam. Age relaxation is given by RRB for reserved category candidates in Group D recruitment, but the minimum age requirement for all categories remains 18 years. Meanwhile, the maximum age limit depends on the candidate's category. The maximum railway Group D age limit for the general category candidate is 33 years. The table below shows the age relaxation criteria for all categories in the RRB Group D 2025 exam.

Community / Categories

Relaxation in Upper Age Limit 

OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) 3 Years
SC/ST 5 Years
Ex-servicemen with at least 6 months service after attestation UR & EWS: 3 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
OBC-NCL: 6 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
SC/ST: 8 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) UR & EWS: 10 Years
OBC-NCL: 13 Years
SC/ST: 15 Years
Candidates serving in Group 'C' and erstwhile Group 'D' Railway Staff, Casual Labour, and Substitutes with minimum 3 years of service (continuous or broken spells) UR & EWS: 40 Years of age
OBC-NCL: 43 Years of age
SC/ST: 45 Years of age
Candidates working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization (such as Railway Canteens, Cooperative Societies, Institutes) Up to the length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is less
Course Completed Act Apprentices applying for posts where minimum qualification is ITI/Course Completed Act Apprenticeship UR & EWS: Relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone under the Apprentice Act 1961 (Maximum 3 years)
OBC-NCL: Relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone under the Apprentice Act 1961 (Maximum 6 years, inclusive of age relaxation for OBC-NCL category)
SC/ST: Relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone under the Apprentice Act 1961 (Maximum 8 years, inclusive of age relaxation for SC/ST category)
Candidates (canteen staff of MB Division NR) for compliance of Honable Supreme Court order 5 years (After deduction of length of service from age), Maximum age up to 60 years

Understanding RRB Group D Latest Order 2025

The RRB Group D Eligibility 2025 is highly impacted due to changes introduced in the Railway Group D Notification Form. To understand the changes introduced with Railway Group D Exam Notification 2025 we have analyzed the key details from the official notification summarized the updated Railway eligibility criteria 2025;

RRB Group D Eligibility (as per Previous Order)

RRB Group D Eligibility (as per New Order)

  • The Railway Recruitment Boards altered RRB Group D eligibility standards throughout 2019-23.
  • Candidates applying to Railways' technical departments (Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Signal & Telecom departments) as well as the catering wing must have completed their Class 10 education and obtained either ITI certification or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) from National Council for Vocational Training.
  •  All job candidates in the RRB Group D exam need to meet either 10th pass requirements or ITI completion or possess an acceptable equivalent credential or NAC certification from NCVT.
  • Any applicant who finished Class 10/ITI/NAC certification can participate in the RRB Group D 2025 exam.

Education Qualification Required for RRB Group D Exam

Candidates who are willing to appear for the RRB Group D Exam 2025 must fulfill the specified eligibility criteria related in educational qualification. It is mandatory for all candidates to ensure that they fulfill the minimum educational requirements that are set by RRB for Group D Examination. The primary Education Qualification requirements for RRB Group D Exams are:

  • Candidates must have successfully passed 10th class from a recognized board or institute.
  • Candidates who are waiting for their final examination result are not eligible to apply.
  • Apart from the educational qualifications mentioned above, there are two other paths to meet the RRB Group D eligibility:
    • Having ITI (Industrial Training Institute) degree.
    • The second option is to hold National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) issued by NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training).

It is important for candidates to carefully review and fulfill these education requirements before applying to ensure that their application is considered valid. By fulfilling the specified educational requirements, candidates can proceed their way to participate in this important RRB Group D Examination.

RRB Group D Eligibility by Nationality

Eligibility Criteria for RRB Group D exam consists of various important factors that a candidates must fulfill to be eligible for the RRB Group D Examination. One of the major factors is the nationality of the candidate, which holds a significant importance in this selection process. The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has set specific boundations regarding the nationality of applicants and it is important for interested candidates to be familiar with these guidelines. To be eligible for RRB Group D exam, candidates must fall under one of the following categories with respect to nationality:

  • Indian Citizens
  • Subjects of Nepal/Bhutan
  • Tibetan Refugees
  • Migrants from specific countries: Individuals who have permanently migrated to India from countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and East African countries are allowed to appear for the RRB Group D exam.

Total Attempts Allowed for RRB Group D Exam

Regarding the RRB Group D exam eligibility criteria, there is no restriction for the number of attempts to be made by the candidate. As per the guidelines set by RRB, candidates are required to fulfill certain eligibility criteria and fall within the mentioned railway Group D age limit to be considered eligible for the RRB Group D Exam.

It should be noted that although there is no limit on the number of attempts, it is extremely important for candidates wishing to appear in the examination to meet all the RRB Group D eligibility requirements. Therefore, aspiring candidates should thoroughly review and make sure to fulfill the RRB eligibility conditions and age limit to increase their chances of being eligible for the RRB Group D exam.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Requirements for Railway Group D

Railway Recruitment Board has set the physical standards specified for height and weight for candidates appearing in the RRB Group D PET 2025. The RRB Group physical examination will take place after the candidate has cleared RRB Group D CBT Examination. We have provided railway group D physical height and weight criteria. 

PET Test Passing Criteria

The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) exists as an essential component in the RRB Group D exam while following specific rules for male candidates and female candidates along with others. The test evaluate candidates as per railway group d physical test running and weight lifting criteria. Candidate must complete the following requirements to successfully pass the PET according to established parameters. 

Exam Stages

RRB Group D PET Criteria for Male

Railway Group D PET Criteria for Female

1. Group D PET Weight Lifting Stage Male should carry and lift a 35 Kg load 100 meters in two minutes through a single movement without setting the weight down.  Female should carry weight of 20 Kg weight needs to be performed through 100 meters distance within 2 minutes without dropping the weight.
2. Group D PET Running Stage Male individual should complete a 1000-meter run in exactly 4 minutes and 15 seconds according to the single run parameters as per Group D running time. The individual should complete a 1000-meter running track in 5 minutes and 40 seconds during a single attempt as per railway Group D running time. 


Railway group D Physical Height Criteria

The height criteria for RRB Group D exams is listed in the official notice by RRB Group D notice 2025. For your convenience we have summarized the key details about the height criteria and is arranged category wise adhering to information provided in the official notice providing information on the RRB Group D physical test criteria that includes rrb group d height for female & male;

Category (Male/Female both)

Railway Group D Physical Height Criteria

General/ SC/OBC (Men) 165 cm or 5ft 5 inches
ST (Men) 160 cm or 5ft 3 inches
General/ SC/OBC/ST (Women) 80-85 cm or 31.5 to 33.5 inches
Railway group D Physical Weight Criteria

The weight criteria for RRB Group D exams is listed in the official notice by RRB Group D notice 2025. For your convenience we have summarized the key details about the weight criteria and is arranged category wise adhering to information provided in the official notice including important considerations to Railway Group D height for male & female;


Railway Group D Physical Weight Criteria

RRB Group D height for male (All candidates) Proportionate to Height
Women (All candidates) 45 Kg or 99 lbs
Other Railway Group D PET Requirements

The RRB Group D physical requirement lists specific conditions for candidates that ensures that they are fit for the respective profile in the railway department. Following the updates on the official railway website, we have provided you the summary of RRB Group D physical eligibility in the below table;


Physical Standards

Male Candidates
  • To lift 35 kg weight for 100 metres in 2 minutes without putting it down.
  • To run 1000m in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.
Female Candidates
  • To lift 35 kg weight for 100 metres in minutes without putting it down.
  • To run 1000m in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance

Medical Standards for RRB Group D Exam

Certain medical requirements are mandatory for the candidates in RRB Group D exam. These include assessing their visual acuity and providing a relevant certificate. Below is a table presenting the RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria for medical standards.

Medical Standard

Visual Acuity

  • Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses(No fogging test)
  • Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision etc.
  • Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D).
  • Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and Must pass the test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Myopic vision etc.
  • Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D)
  • Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision etc.
  • Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D).
  • Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass tests for Binocular Vision etc.
C -1
  • Distant Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.
  • Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.
  • Distant Vision: 6/12, Nil with or without glasses.
  • Near Vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses where reading or close work is required.

CCAA s Important Notice 2025

CCAAs from all trade backgrounds who received their training at railway establishments can submit applications according to the notice. The eligibility criteria include CCAAs trained in Railway Establishments who possess National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT. All candidates must have received their certificate through NCVT because the Board/ Institute/ Organization outside of NCVT does not authorize eligibility for CCAAs. CCAAs working in Railway Establishments need to accurately provide training duration together with certificate information and marks in their online application when they hold NAC granted by NCVT. Candidate applicants should enter their previous NCVT examination date even when NCVT has yet to release their result.

Also Read;


The age limit for RRB Group D 2025 is between 18 and 33 years for general candidates. Relaxation is given to reserved categories (OBC, SC/ST).

Candidates must have passed Class 10th or have an ITI certificate. NAC certificates from NCVT are also accepted.

Yes, age relaxation is provided for candidates in OBC, SC, and ST categories, as detailed in the table above.

Candidates must meet the physical standards of lifting a 35 kg weight for 100 meters and running a set distance within the prescribed time limits, as mentioned earlier.

To take the RRB Group D exam, a candidate must have passed 10th grade from a recognized board or institution.

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