SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024: Tier-1 & Tier-2 Exam Structure & Marking Scheme

According to the official SSC CHSL Recruitment Notification, the exam pattern for SSC CHSL 2024 Exam is divided into two tiers. Tier 1 will consist of an objective-type computer-based examination, while Tier 2 will involve an objective-type computer-based examination and a skill test.

Understanding the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern is crucial for aspirants preparing for this competitive examination. Tier 1 will focus on assessing candidates' knowledge through objective-type questions, while Tier 2 will evaluate both their knowledge and skills. By familiarizing themselves with the exam pattern, candidates can effectively plan their preparation strategies and allocate time for each section accordingly.

The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) has provided detailed information regarding the SSC CHSL Recruitment 2024. The SSC CHSL 2024 Exam is conducted to recruit candidates who have completed their higher secondary education for various positions such as Lower Divisional Clerk/Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant in Departments/Offices of the Government of India, and Data Entry Operators in various Ministries/Statutory Bodies/Tribunals, among others.

Candidates aspiring to appear for the SSC CHSL Exam can check the examination pattern overview in the table provided below:

SSC CHSL Tier Exams Type Mode
Tier – I Objective Multiple-Choice Questions Computer-Based (online)
Tier – II Objective-type computer-based examination and skill test Computer Based (online)

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 : Tier 1

The SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern for 2024 entails an online computer-based format featuring objective-type multiple-choice questions (MCQs). These questions are available in both English and Hindi languages, except for the English Language section. Each correct answer earns candidates 2 marks, while an incorrect response results in a deduction of 0.25 marks. Notably, no marks are awarded or deducted for questions left unanswered. With a total achievable score of 200, candidates must utilize their one-hour time slot efficiently to complete the examination.

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier 1
Subject No. of Qs Max. Marks Time
English 25 50 60 Mins (80 Mins for VH/OH & Cerebral Palsy)
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
General Knowledge 25 50
General Awareness 25 50
Total 100 200


Marking Scheme:

Objective-type multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are featured in Tier 1 of the SSC CHSL Exam. Questions are available in both English and Hindi languages, except for the English Language section.

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Marking Scheme
Correct Answer +2
Incorrect Answer -0.25
Unanswered 0

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 for Tier 2

The Tier-II of the SSC CHSL Exam will be divided into two sessions, namely Session-I and Session-II, both held on the same day. Session-I will encompass conducting Section-I, Section-II, and Module-I of Section-III, while Session-II will focus on conducting Module-II of Section-III. It is imperative for candidates to successfully clear all Tier-II sections.

Tier-II will comprise Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions, with the exception of Module-II of Section-III. Questions will be presented in both English and Hindi languages, except for Module-II, which pertains to the English Language and Comprehension module in Section-II. 

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 for Tier 2

Session Section Modules Subject No. of Questions Marks Time
Session-I (2 hours and 15 minutes) Section 1 Module-1 Mathematical Abilities 30 60*3 = 180 1 hour
Module-2 Reasoning and General Intelligence 30
Section 2 Module-1 English Language and Comprehension 40 60*3 = 180 1 hour
Module-2 General Awareness 20
Section 3 Module-1 Computer Knowledge Module 15 15*3 = 45 15 minutes
Session-II Section 3 Module-2 Skill Test/ Typing Test Module-

( Part A- Skill Test for DEOs in Department/ Ministry )

(Part B: Skill Test for DEOs except in Department/ Ministry )
Part C: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA
-- -- 15 minutes

15 minutes

10 minutes

Marking Scheme

Negative marking of 1 mark will be applied for each incorrect answer in Section-I, Section-II, and Module-I of Section-III. However, for Module-I of Section-III, specifically the Computer Knowledge Test, candidates are required to attempt it but it is qualifying in nature. Furthermore, the Skill Test/Typing Test will be conducted on a qualifying basis, meaning candidates must meet the minimum requirements to proceed to the next stage of the examination.

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Marking Scheme
Correct Answer +3
Incorrect Answer -1
Unanswered 0

SSC CHSL Skill Test for the post of DEO/ DEO Grade 'A’ follows a specific exam pattern:

  • Candidates' typing speed will be evaluated based on their ability to achieve a speed of 15000 (Fifteen Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on a computer. This assessment will be determined by accurately entering words or key depressions according to the given passage.
  • The duration of the Skill Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes. Each candidate will receive printed material in English containing approximately 3700-4000 key depressions, which they must input into the computer within the allotted time frame.
  • Additionally, the passage to be entered into the computer may also be displayed on the computer screen for candidates' convenience during the test.

For the Skill Test for the post of DEO/ DEO Grade 'A’, excluding the Department/ Ministry, the following criteria apply:

  • Candidates are required to achieve a Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (Eight Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on a computer
  • The Skill Test will have a duration of 15 (Fifteen) minutes. Each candidate will be provided with printed material in English containing approximately 2000-2200 key depressions, which they must input into the computer within the given time frame.
  • Furthermore, the passage to be entered into the computer may also be displayed on the computer screen during the test for candidates' reference and ease of input.

The Exam Pattern for the SSC CHSL Typing Test for LDC/JSA & Other Posts includes the following guidelines:

  • The medium of the Typing Test can be either Hindi or English.
  • Candidates must choose their preferred medium of Typing Test (i.e., Hindi or English) while filling out the online Application Form.
  • Once selected, the choice of Typing Test medium indicated in the online Application Form will be considered final, and no requests for changes will be entertained later.
  • Candidates opting for the English medium must demonstrate a typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.), while those choosing Hindi medium should achieve a typing speed of 30 words per minute (w.p.m.). These speeds correspond to approximately 10500 key depressions per hour and about 9000 key depressions per hour, respectively.
  • The typing speed will be assessed based on the accuracy of typing on the Computer within a given text passage in 10 minutes.


The format of the SSC CHSL exam consists of two tiers. In Tier 1, there are 100 questions worth 2 marks each covering General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. Tier 2 is divided into two sessions. Session I comprises Section I, Section II, and the first part of Section III, while Session II covers the second part of Section III. Tier 2 contains a total of 135 questions, each carrying 3 marks.

The quantitative section of the SSC CHSL exam will have a weightage of 50 marks.

The highest possible score for SSC CHSL Tier 1 is 200 marks. For a comprehensive breakdown of the exam pattern for SSC CHSL, please refer to the article.

The SSC CHSL 2024 exam pattern remains unchanged. Previously altered in 2022 to streamline recruitment, it now consists of two tiers: Tier 1 and Tier 2.

As of 2021, the SSC CHSL exam does not incorporate separate sectional timings. Candidates are allotted a total of 60 minutes to complete all sections collectively.

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