SSC GD Constable Eligibility Criteria 2025: Age Limit, Qualification, Physical Standards, and More

The SSC GD Constable 2025 eligibility criteria are crucial for candidates aiming to apply for the exam. This includes age limits, physical fitness standards, and educational qualifications. Make sure to meet all requirements to qualify for the exam and secure your future in the armed forces.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) officially posted 39,481 vacancies under the SSC GD Constable 2025 Examination providing a golden opportunity for those who want to sign up with India’s paramilitary forces. The application will be open from September 5 to October 14, 2024, with the official notification being released on September 5, 2024. The aspirants who applied for the position must keep updated with the SSC GD Eligibility 2025. We have provided detailed analysis on the SSC GD Constable Eligibility focusing on various criteria listed within the official notice for SSC GD 2025 Exam.

SSC GD Eligibility Criteria 2025

SSC GD Eligibility 2025 encompasses various aspects including, educational qualifications, nationalities, age limits, and physical standards. The candidates need to comply with the SSC GD Eligibility Criteria 2025 to ensure successful application submission avoiding rejections. Therefore, it is imperative to fulfil various specifications regarding the SSC GD Constable Eligibility to pass through the selection process and be hired for a job in BSF, CISF, CRPF, and ITBP. Aspiring candidates are requested to have a complete look at the eligibility details to organise their preparation and application accordingly.

SSC GD Eligibility Criteria 2025: Overview

SSC GD Constable 2025 Eligibility Criteria include Nationality, Age, Educational Qualifications, and Physical Standards. To proceed with the selection process and secure their position in the paramilitary of the country, candidates have to fulfil the criteria summarised in the below table;

Particulars Details
Nationality Citizens of India, or Indian citizens from Bhutan, Nepal, and Tibetan who migrated before 1962
SSC GD Age Limit Criteria Candidate should be 18-23 years (as of January 1)
Educational Qualification Matriculation/ 10th Pass from a recognised board or university
Physical Standards Height
Height (Male) 170 cm
Height (Female) 157 cm (applicable relaxations)
Chest (For males only) Expanded/ Unexpanded: 80 cm / 85 cm
Medical Standards Vision
Vision 6/6 in one eye, 6/9 in others without glasses
SSC GD physical test details Candidate must be physically fit to be declared under PET and PST (Check more details below in the article)
Mental Candidate must be mentally fit to be declared under PET and PST

Detailed information on SSC GD 2025 Eligibility Criteria

1. SSC GD Age Limit Criteria

The notice launched for the SSC GD Constable 2025 Examination provides specific instructions on providing age relaxation to reserved categories. SSC GD Constable Eligibility maintains flexibility among categories which leads to fair opportunity for candidates from varied backgrounds to join India's paramilitary forces. The Age Limit for SSC GD is ideally 18- 23 years as provided under the official notice released by SSC. However, some relaxations have been provided under reserved categories. We have summarised the detailed information regarding relaxations made available to the SSC GD age limit criteria in the below table;

Category Age Limit Relaxation
General 18-23 years None
ST/SC 18-28 years 5 years
OBC 18-26 years 3 years
Domicile in J&K 18-28 years 5 years
Ex/servicemen 18-26 years 3 years (after deduction of service period)
Residents of Gujarat, who were affected due to the communal riots of 2002 and those who lost their life in the 1984 riots (Unreserved) 18-28 years 5 years
Those affected communities who as dependents lost their near and dear ones in the 1984 riots and communal riots in Gujarat in 2002 (OBC) 18-31 years 8 years
Killed in the riots of 1984 or any other communal riots in Gujarat (Group-A: victims who are SCs/STs); family members of victims killed in riot 18-33 years 10 years

2. SSC GD 2025 Exam Physical Criteria.

The SSC GD physical test details assesses candidates’ fitness and physical measurements in two stages: two tests, namely the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and the Physical Standards Test (PST). Under the SSC GD Eligibility 2025, PET measures a candidate’s physical fitness by requiring them to run and perform other endurance tests. Furthermore, the PST uses the measure of a candidate’s height, chest (for males only), and weight to ensure that they follow desirable requirements under SSC GD 2025 Exam Physical Criteria. Both tests are vital markers in assessing a candidate’s aptitude for the physically demanding role of becoming a constable, being a test of power, endurance, and overall physical preparedness for the job.

(A) SSC GD Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The activities under the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) aim to test a candidate’s physical strength and stamina through running activities. The SSC GD Constable Eligibility specifies that the candidates from the general region throughout India, male and female candidates have to complete the prescribed distance within given time limits, which is different in the case of male and female candidates from the Ladakh region.

Activity Male Female Remarks
Race 5 KM run in 24 minutes 1.6 KM run in 8.5 minutes SSC GD Eligibility 2025 defines specific criteria for candidates from general regions other than the Ladakh region
1.6 KM run in 6.5 minutes 800 meters run in 4 minutes The criteria define apply only to the Ladakh region

SSC GD Constable Eligibility under Pregnancy Criteria

Before the PET, female candidates have to declare if they are pregnant. This ensures fairness while safeguarding the health of the candidates:

  • Not Pregnant Declaration: Candidates who are female and say they are not pregnant will be allowed to take PET. However, if the declaration is false and complications result, the candidate will be held responsible.
  • Pregnant Declaration: Maternal candidates, including those who would be pregnant, will be temporarily declared unfit regardless of how long they have been pregnant. Therefore, the respective candidate’s selection will remain pending for six weeks after delivery and will be allowed to give PET after disclosure of full medication certificates.

(B) SSC GD Physical Standards Test (PST)

The PST test measures candidates' physical measurements such as height, chest for men, and weight. Physical Standards for SSC GD Constable helps the examiner organisation that is SSC to verify that the candidates meet the critical standards that the job needs. Candidates from some regions and categories are given relaxations.

SSC GD Constable Height and Chest Criteria

The SSC GD 2025 specifies the height and chest criteria for aspirants. The pre-defined criteria ensure equality among the applicants appearing for the test. To qualify, all male and female candidates must meet certain height and chest measurements under SSC GD Eligibility 2025.

Height Criteria under SSC GD Constable Eligibility

The SSC GD Constable 2025 Eligibility Criteria include special attention to the physical standards of candidates applying for the position. We have summarised the key details about the height criteria specified within the SSC GD 2025 PST;

Category / Region Male Female
General, OBC, SC 170 cm 157 cm

Relaxations were made available for certain candidates from some categories and regions which is provided in the below table;

Relaxations in Height Male (in cm) Female (in cm)
ST candidates (All) 162.5 150.0
Candidates from North Eastern (NE) States 157.0 147.5
ST candidates belonging to Left-Wing Extremisms affected districts 160.0 147.5
Assam, Garhwalis, Dogras, HP, J&K, Ladakh, and Marathas 165 cm 155 cm
Candidates belonging from Manipur, Sikkim, Tripura, Meghalaya, North-Eastern States of AP, and Nagaland 162.5 cm 152.5 cm
Candidates belonging from Gorkha Territorial Administration including; Sub-divisions of Darjeeling District namely, Kalimpong, Darjeeling, and Kurseong. Included “Mouzas” Sub-division of districts are followed; 157.0 cm 152.5 cm

Chest Criteria under SSC GD Constable Eligibility

The chest criteria under the SSC GD physical test details provides that the applicants (Males only) of the SSC GD Constable 2025 Examination need to pay special attention to the chest criteria to qualify for the SSC GD Physical Standards Test (PST). Based on the official notice released the ideal chest requirements for male applicants should be;

  • Min. Unexpanded: 80 cm
  • Min. Expanded: 5 cm

However, several relaxation have been provided based on various categories of candidates. Based on the official notice released, we have summarised key information regarding relaxation in the below table;

Chest Size (For Male only) Min. Un-expanded Min. Expanded
ST candidates (All) 76 5
Candidates belonging to the categories of Kumaonis, Marathas, Garhwalis, Dogras, Also, candidates belonging to the States/ UTs of; (a) Assam, (b) Himachal Pradesh, (c) Jammu& Kashmir and, (d) Ladakh 78 5
Candidates belonging to North-Eastern States; (a) Arunachal Pradesh, (b) Manipur, (c) Meghalaya, (d) Mizoram, (e) Nagaland, (f) Sikkim, (g) Tripura and (h) Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) 77 5

Weight Criteria for SSC GD 2025

The candidate appearing for the SSC GD 2025 examination needs to pay careful attention to the SSC GD 2025 weight criteria. According to the official notice by SSC, the weight of the candidate should be proportionate to age and height as per medical standards.

3.SSC GD 2025 Medical Examination

Detailed medical examination (DME) is the last step in the Physical Standards for SSC GD Constable. This guarantees that the candidates achieve enough medical standards which will enable them to work out their functions properly. SSC GD Eligibility 2025 clearly states comprehensive vision standards under DME which is summarised in the below table;

Aspects Better Eye Worse Eye Remarks
Near Vision (Visual Acuity) N6 N9 Unaided vision (Without correction)
Distant Vision (Uncorrected) 6/6 6/9 Unaided vision (Without correction)
Refraction Not allowed Not allowed Corrections are not allowed by glasses
Colour vision CP- III CP- III Tested through ISHIHARA standards

4. SSC GD Qualification Requirements

Educational Qualification for SSC GD is highly dependent on educational qualification. The candidate must have cleared the 10th standard or his Matriculation from any reputed board. The respective phase in the SSC GD 2025 examination is conducted to ensure the educational qualification of candidates appearing for GD constables.

5. Number of Attempts Allowed for SSC GD 2025 examination

Concerning the official notice released by SSC the previous year regarding SSC GD Constable Posts there is no specific mention about the maximum number of attempts. We predict that the SSC Board will work on the same pattern that allows candidates with unlimited attempts to adhere to SSC GD Constable Eligibility Criteria.

6. Experience to Apply for SSC GD Constable

You do not need any previous working experience to take up the SSC GD Constable Examination 2025. Any fresher applicant who fulfils the SSC GD Eligibility 2025 shall apply for the position.

Common Mistakes and Tips

The SSC GD Constable 2025 is a career opportunity of great importance to get into the Indian paramilitary forces. However, several candidates make errors throughout the application approach. Knowing these mistakes will help in avoiding common mistakes and ensure successful application submission;

Common Mistakes

  1. Applying without verifying age, qualification, and physical standard.
  2. Incomplete documents are provided due to non-upload of necessary certificates like educational qualification or category proof.
  3. Incorrect details are provided by the candidates that do not match with the actual documents.
  4. Being late with the application or fee payment.
  5. Not following guidelines written in the official notification.
  6. Neglecting requirements for physical tests.


  1. Double-Check Eligibility: Before you even begin the application process, confirm that everything meets eligibility criteria.
  2. Keep Documents Ready: Ensure that you have all necessary documents scanned and ready to upload.
  3. Fill Details Carefully: Submit your application carefully, reviewing for errors.
  4. Meet Deadlines: Create reminders to ensure that you don’t miss important dates.
  5. Prepare Physically: Practise the physical tests as early as you can to meet all the standards.
  6. Follow Official Instructions: Make sure to read the notification closely and follow every instruction.


The SSC GD Constable 2025 examination is a great platform for individuals who aspire to enter India’s para-military forces. We have provided detailed information on the eligibility criteria, avoiding common faults, and practical tips to increase your application chances. Our analysis of SSC GD Eligibility 2025 will help to navigate the important considerations to be kept in mind while applying for the SSC GD exam. If you follow guidelines and remain proactive, then you can relax and concentrate on your preparation. Wish you all the best to start a rewarding career in the paramilitary forces!


The age limit was 18 to 23 years (as of January 1, 2025) with relaxation for the reserved categories.

Applicants with Matriculation/10th from a recognized board are eligible for this post.

Yes, candidates are required to meet specific height, weight, and chest measurements.

Candidates of Nepalese origin, Bhutanese origin, and some Tibetan refugees are qualified in special cases.

Application is open from September 5, 2024, to October 14, 2024.

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