UPPSC RO ARO Exam 2025: Latest Updates, Postponement, and Selection Process

The UPPSC RO ARO examination was initially planned for 22nd and 23rd December 2024 and was delayed due to administrative issues. Now, the RO ARO prelims exams with the rescheduled timeline are expected to take place in March or April 2025. The candidates need to follow the below article to check the steps to download the admit card and check the registration status for the exam.

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) organizes the Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) Exam. The UPPSC RO ARO Exam Notification was released back in 2024, and it recruits candidates for administrative roles in various government departments. The Preliminary Examination was originally planned for December 22, 2024, but its dates were shifted because of administrative factors. Candidates must regularly check this website to obtain information regarding the forthcoming exam dates.

The UPPSC RO ARO exam consists of three selection phases that begin with the Preliminary Exam and continue through the Mains Exam before leading to a Typing Test. The preliminary stage contains General Studies with 140 marks and General Hindi with 60 marks for a total of 200 points, while the main stage incorporates the General Studies portion of the exam and sections for General Hindi and Drafting plus an Essay paper. The Mains-passed candidates move forward to complete Typing Test procedures and Document Verification steps. The exam postponement allows candidates to use the extended time to reinforce their preparation and maximize their selection prospects.

UPPSC RO ARO Exam 2025: Overview

UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2025 was initiated for 411 posts, and the exams were scheduled for the 22nd and 23rd of December. However, due to administrative issues, the official website of UPPSC posted a notification regarding the postponement of the exam. The table below provides a summary of details about the updated schedule of the UPPSC RO ARO Exam. 

Exam Details Information
Exam Name UPPSC RO ARO Exam 2025
Conducting Body Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)
Post Name Review Officer (RO) & Assistant Review Officer (ARO)
Total Vacancies 411
Exam Level State-level
Selection Process Prelims, Mains, Typing Test, & Document Verification
Prelims Exam Date Likely in March or April 2025 (Tentative)
Mains Exam Date To be announced
Official Website uppsc.up.nic.in

UPPSC RO ARO Exam Date 2025

The UPPSC RO ARO Preliminary Exam 2025 was scheduled to take place on December 22, 2024, until the authorities decided to delay it due to administrative concerns. The exam authorities plan to release the upcoming examination date shortly, which is expected in March or April 2025. 

The above snapshot is the official notice released by UPPSC regarding the postponement of the RO ARO Prelims Exam. The Mains Exam will occur after the Prelims, before candidates participate in the Typing Test and Document Verification process. The extended period should enable candidates to enhance their preparation, focusing primarily on General Studies and strengthening their Hindi Language skills.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Notification

The UPPSC RO ARO Notification emerged this year to fuel job applications for Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) roles with 411 available positions. The notification presents the essential information that includes requirements for applicants alongside application procedures, test format, and program structure, as well as selection guidelines. Every candidate needed to submit their application documents by the specified deadline. The official document includes information about both the reservation policies and salary details, along with exam date schedules.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Admit Card

UPPSC releases the RO ARO 2025 Admit Card through their official website three weeks before the Preliminary Examination date. Candidates need to access their admit cards from the official UPPSC website through their registration number combined with their date of birth. The admit card displays essential information, including dates and timings for tests and examination locations and regulations. The exam center admission process requires candidates to present their printed admit card together with their valid photo identification document.

UPPSC RO ARO Vacancy 2025

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 recruitment program includes 411 available positions as Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) for multiple government departments within Uttar Pradesh. The positions follow allocation patterns based on government policies for reservations. Candidates need to review the detailed listing of vacancies by category and post to determine their qualification requirements. The following table provides a brief overview of UPPSC RO ARO vacancy released;

Posts Name Department Vacancies
Review Officer (Samiksha Adhikari) U.P. Secretariat 322
UP Public Service Commission 09
Board of Revenue, U.P 03
Assistant Review Officer (Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari) U.P. Secretariat 40
Board of Revenue, U.P 23
UP Public Service Commission 13
Assistant Review Officer - Accounts (Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari) UP Public Service Commission 01
Total Vacancies - 411

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Application Form

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Application Form became available through the official notification, where candidates could submit their online applications within the designated period. The application process for UPPSC RO ARO 2025 demanded that candidates register along with form completion, document submission, and fee authorization. All candidates needed to verify they fulfilled all requirements before they completed their application submission. Applications not filled properly or correctly faced automatic rejection by the system. The following table briefly summarises the UPPSC RO ARO Application fee structure for as it differs from various categories; 

Category Exam Fee (₹) Processing Fee (₹) Total Fee (₹)
Unreserved 100 25 125
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) 100 25 125
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 100 25 125
Scheduled Castes (SC) 40 25 65
Scheduled Tribes (ST) 40 25 65
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) NIL 25 25
Ex-Servicemen 40 25 65
Dependents of Freedom Fighters As per their original category

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Eligibility Criteria

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam allows admission to qualified candidates possessing a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university. The recruitment process for specific positions demands additional qualifications that include either a Computer Science diploma or proficiency in typing between Hindi and English. General category candidates eligible to apply for the UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam must be between 21 and 40 years old at the time of July 1, 2024, but OBC/SC/ST and PwD candidates receive additional age relaxations of 5 years and 15 years, respectively. The following table describes the RPPSC RO ARO age relaxations for the rescheduled examination; 

Category Age Relaxation
SC/ST/OBC/Skilled players of classified games/U.P. State Govt. Employees (Only domiciled persons of U.P.) 5 years
PWD candidates of U.P. only 15 years
Group-B posts for Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers/Ex-Army Personnel of U.P. 3 years + Army service period rendered

The position of RO and ARO under the UPPSC exam also requires candidates to hold Indian citizenship as well as Uttar Pradesh residence for eligibility to receive benefits under the reservation system. All candidates who are not Uttar Pradesh residents will be considered in the General category.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Selection Process

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Selection Process includes three major components: Preliminary Examination followed by Mains Examination after passing the Preliminary, then potentially employing a Typing Test if necessary. Each examination stage features unique requirements that candidates must complete before proceeding to the following stage of evaluation. The Prelims Exam consists of two examination papers, including General Studies and General Hindi, under a screening evaluation. All candidates who pass the Prelims Exam become eligible to move forward to the Mains Exam with its three different tests, including General Studies and General Hindi & Drafting and Hindi Essay exams. A Typing Test must be taken by applicants who seek positions that demand typing abilities. The selection process concludes with Mains Exam scoring along with Typing Test results, if applicable, before document verification followed by medical examination steps.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam Syllabus

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam syllabus encompasses separate sections for Preliminary and Mains examinations. General Studies and General Hindi are the two documented sections of the Prelims Exam that evaluate candidates on their understanding of history and geography and their skills in polity while assessing their current affairs knowledge and language abilities. Candidates must prepare for three Mains Exam papers, including General Studies and two additional components: General Hindi & Drafting and Hindi Essay that assess subject comprehension and drafting skills and writing abilities. Every candidate who wants to join a particular job role needs to participate in Typing Testing.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam Pattern

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 selection process includes three stages, starting with the Preliminary Exam, followed by the Mains Exam and a Typing Test. The initial UPPSC RO ARO Exam uses objective questions, yet additional descriptive sections appear in the Mains Exam section. All job seekers who need typing skills during work hours must complete a Typing Test in addition to their exam requirements.

RO ARO Prelims Exam Pattern

The RO ARO Preliminary Exam divides its scoring into two sections: General Studies for 140 marks and General Hindi receives 60 marks for a total of 200 marks. The examination takes place offline, and students have three hours to complete it. Candidates receive one mark for each correct response but lose marks for incorrect answers throughout the assessment. Candidates who pass this stage can continue to the Mains Exam.

Paper Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 General Studies 140 140 2 hours
Paper 2 General Hindi 60 60 1 hour
Total - 200 200 3 hours

RO ARO Mains Exam Pattern

The RO ARO Mains Exam includes objective and descriptive papers that distribute marks between General Studies (120), General Hindi & Drafting (200), and Hindi Essay (120). Candidates need to perform over several sequential days while demonstrating strong abilities in both writing and drafting skills. Students must achieve 440 total marks in this stage to qualify for the following stage of selection.

Paper Subjects Marks Duration
Paper 1 General Studies 120 2 hours
Paper 2 General Hindi & Drafting 200 2.5 hours
Paper 3 Hindi Essay 120 3 hours
Total - 440 -

RO ARO Typing Test (For Applicable Post)

The RO ARO Typing Test is mandatory for candidates who seek recruitment into posts that demand either Hindi or English typing competence. The testing speed requirements for Hindi typing are set at 25 WPM, and English typing demands a speed of 30 WPM. Candidates need to take the computerized test while satisfying accuracy and speed requirements for qualification. The typing test serves specific ARO category positions but does not extend to all posts in this grouping.

Language Typing Speed Requirement
Hindi Minimum 25 WPM
English Minimum 30 WPM

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Salary

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 position pays staff according to the 7th Pay Commission, which combines a desirable salary range with supplementary compensation packages. The salary levels between Review Officer posts and Assistant Review Officer posts differ. The employees selected as RO receive compensation in Level 8 starting at Rs. 47,600 to Rs. 1,51,100, while those holding ARO positions start at Level 7 with Rs. 44,900 to Rs. 1,42,400. The salary package includes basic pay with Dearness Allowance (DA) checks in addition to House Rent Allowance (HRA) alongside Medical Benefits among other benefits.

UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Results

The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Result follows a stepwise format by releasing Preliminary results first, then Main examination results, and finally, the results for the Final Selection stage at the official UPPSC website. The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Result will show the results of the Prelim Exam before moving to the Main Exam, followed by Typing Tests and Document Verification. UPPSC will prepare the final merit list by combining Mains Exam scores along with Typing Test results. The result will be published in PDF format, which includes roll numbers of candidates who have been selected.


The UPPSC RO ARO 2025 Exam represents a challenging recruiting procedure that leads to Uttar Pradesh government employment. The recruitment system encompasses Prelims followed by Mains and a Typing Test (for specified posts), and candidates need to plan their preparation accordingly for success. This career provides exceptional benefits through its lucrative pay structure, stable employment, and additional advantages. Proficient success depends on knowing the examination blueprint and coursework outline, along with selection requirements and entry standards. Aspiring candidates must follow official notifications while developing strong preparation to improve their selection odds for this renowned examination.


UPPSC executes the RO ARO 2025 recruitment program through the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) to fill vacancies for Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) positions in different state government departments.

The exams of UPPSC RO ARO Prelims were planned for December 22nd & 23, which have been postponed and are expected likely in March or April. 

Already, lakhs of candidates have applied for the program, there are fewer chances that government boards will re-open the application window for the exams. 

The selection process consists of three stages:

  1. Preliminary Exam (Objective Type)
  2. Mains Exam (Descriptive)
  3. Typing Test (For applicable posts)

The eligibility requirement for this position calls for university graduates in any field from a recognized educational institution. Candidates who are aged between 21 to 40 years can apply unless the UPPSC allows exceptions based on their reserved category rules.

The curriculum focuses on General Studies together with General Hindi alongside Essay Writing and Office-based knowledge. General Studies and General Hindi form the focus of the Prelims Exam, but the Mains Exam requires students to write descriptive papers.

UPPSC has announced 411 vacancies for Review officers and Assistant Review officers across different departments.

According to the 7th Pay Commission, the Review Officer (RO) receives Level 8 pay from ₹47,600 to ₹1,51,100 annually, while the Assistant Review Officer (ARO) receives Level 7 pay ranging from ₹44,900 to ₹1,42,400.

The admit card is expected to be released 1-2 weeks before the examination. 

Candidates can check their results on the UPPSC official website (uppsc.up.nic.in).

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